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Everything posted by wannaqash

  1. Hi All, I am a fan of modifying cars, often minor things but woth such a good base I am hoping to do more with this car than previous. I have already modified all bulbs to LED, double strutted the bonnet, replaced the head unit with an android kit with full SWC. I am already looking at electric tailgate conversion, aftermarket 360 camera, and want to try and add blind spot detection etc. I was wondering if the wiring for the likes of tailgate conversion, or 360 cameras is something that is often left in place on Acenta, or, if the models each have their own individual wiring looms? does anyone know as some cars I have had would have wiring looms from the highest models in place but deactivated on software level for example. Thanks James
  2. Hi All, recently bought a T32 1.6 diesel, lovely car but found one problem with the rev counter gauge. Its almost like the car forgets where 0 revs is. for example, this is my cluster with the key out right now. sometimes I can drive along and the revs are about 2k less on the display, so anything under 2k revs shows 0 revs but then if I hit 3-4k then it shows up to 2k revs on the display. verified with OBD the revs are accurate but the display is not. about 2 in 10 journeys work fine no problems, the rest either under read or over read the revs.
  3. Hi All, I just recently bought a T32 - 2015 1.6TDCi, with 89k on the clock - due to be collected on Tuesday, however, due to reasons of finance companies, available funds and disabilities, I went with a car that still looks awesome, but is a lower spec than I wanted (Acenta). I was wanting to upgrade this car to include some of the luxuries that are afforded the Tekna spec, such as 360 camera system, a suitable upgraded headunit, maybe even the blind spot functionality and Lane Assist? Really the big one for me would love to be the 360 camera, headunit may just move to android for flexibility but so far liked what I see in the Tekna if the head unit is any good? I do like the blind spot functionality and its not a showstopper if I can't get it, but it would be nice, Lane assist would again be nice, but not really as fussed. How easy is all this?
  4. Thanks Trevor, what is the advice on replacing these then to prevent failure? also if this is a design fault, was there a recall?
  5. Thanks Trevor (any relation to the Trevor over on the FOC?!) I have heard some bad things though about the Qash... 1) "its basically a renault underneath"? followed by "so electrics can be really bad later" - is there any accuracy to this? 2) "Timing Belt failure due to fuel pump" - something about poor design means the timing belt rubs up against the fuel pump, causing it to snap without warning?
  6. Hi Guys, So, where I am considering a QQ+2, I am looking also at what tools I can use with the car to get the best out of it. Currently I own a ford, and there are two tools (windows based primarily giving the most flexibility) which are phenomenal in their achievements: 1) FORSCAN Buying a £15 off the shelf ELM Cable (better modified for high and medium speed CAN bus) allows me to run a thorough diagnostic across all modules on the car, everything from restraints system, brakes system, instrument panel and the general diagnostics of the overall cars health. 2) ELMCONFIG Using the same cable/s I can open ELMConfig, and I can tweak the car settings, to enable functionality, such as adding cruise control (when the hardware is upgraded in the car) or tweaking the time for "home safe lights" all the way through to enabling or disabling all manner of functionality available on higher specification cars, which may not be available per standard from the factory on that model. For all intents and purposes, these tools prevent the need to go spend money at dealers, allowing self diagnosis and tweaking of software to get the absolute best out of the car! Do Nissan owners have such tools?
  7. HI Guys, I am currently looking around for a new car, has to be 7 seater and I found the QQ+2 and I almost fell in love with it! That said, I look at the car and see how much it has depreciated... The cars I see can have no more than 40k on the clock, could be as "young" as 4 years old, for a "top of the range" including cruise, tinted windows and panoramic roof. What I dont understand, is why? why is such an clearly good car, going for so little money? what must be wrong with the QQ, for the car to be sold for the small amount? Can you help? should I be buying into the QQ(+2) club?
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