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    X Trail Di Sport

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  1. Hi all. I have just joined the forum and hope to contrabute to it along the way. In the mean time could I ask if anyone has a fuel pressure sensor for a 52 plate X Trail, 2.2 diesel sport Di. I have tried all over the place and it seems that an after market peice cannot be got without the fuel rail to go with it. This is over £800 and way out my price range. I have looked around ebay for people breaking down XT's but no joy. Even in the USA, China and other places all come up negative. I am just hopeing that someone will have one in their garage they could sell me. I was hopeing that someone might know of a company or a one from another Nissan that would fit. Thanks for any input.
  2. I have had my X Trail since May 2012. Nice car but not without its problems. I bought it mainly for the towing ability of the car and have not been disapointed with it. I will be posting a few questions so get ready fellow members.
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