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Alan Lee

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    Newcastle upon Tyne
  • Nissan Model

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  1. I’ve had this problem with my 2011 qashqai since I bought the car and can’t find a fix no one can figure it out, drives great when I stop and the car is on tick over I get red engine light and two yellow traction lights I plugged fault finder in and got a code P006D barometric pressure i have changed the plastic pipe on top of the engine today but I’m still getting the lights on. can anyone Help please thanks Alan…
  2. Hello all
  3. Hi can anyone tell me if there is a light on the dash for DPF regen on my qashqai 2011 thanks Alan…
  4. Hi I have a qashqai 2011 and am having trouble with the red engine light coming on when I stop at traffic lights when I switch off the engine and start the car again the lights are off it only happens on tick over if anyone has any idea’s I would be very greatfull Thanks Alan…
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