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    tino 1.8 petrol

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  1. He said the clutch is on its way out but other then that nothing. Its due an MOT next month so I'll take it somewhere else. Thanks for your interest and suggestion. Jason
  2. Had it plugged in today and no faults found! Lost as for what to try not.
  3. Being done on Saturday and I'll feed back then. I have gone up to 31 mpg but that's with some careful driving. Cheers Jason.
  4. Thanks, I will get someone plug it in to check.
  5. 29.2 so far . that's after cat cleaner, new plugs , fuel cleaner and I have now cleaned the the MAF sensor. Not sure what else I can do.....Thanks
  6. Also changed the oil.
  7. I have added the cleaner, replaced the plug and it went up to 29.7mpg! I have also added some CAt clean and I'm going to give the car a good run on Wednesday morning. Hopefully this will sort it!!! Thanks for your input and I will feed back on Thursday. Cheers.
  8. Hi, I was getting around 38mpg and added fuel treatment last night. I have only covered 15 miles since I've added it so not seen a benefit as yet. Cheers Jason
  9. Hello all. First timer here... I have had my 2004 1.8 petrol for new and its been a great family car. However I have notice my fuel economy is getting very poor , its now at 27.4 !!! I don't drive fast and but I only cover around 20 miles a day to and from work. The car is in very good nick and has covered 82000 miles. Please help if anyone has any ideas on how I can resolve this issues. Cheers jason
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