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    Note Acenta Premium DCi

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  1. Hi guys. I am after a paint code and hope someone on here can help. I used to have a Sunny Sequel. It was my first car and I would have loved to have kept it but at the time I didn't have the cash to make the running repairs. I am doing a little project and I am after the paint code, I have attached a picture of the car If someone can help It would be massively appreciated.
  2. Hi Ash180512, My first car was a Sequel in the same colour as yours. I loved it and really wish I had kept hold of it but at the time I couldn't afford to do the repairs needed to keep it running or to store it. I am planning a little project and I am after the paint code. I was wondering if you would post it on here for me so I can get the correct colour match. Great to see your car in such great condition. I did update the wheels on mine, and replaced the side repeaters with clear, I felt it really cleaned up the look of the car. Ill try to find a picture to pop below. Regards Ben
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