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Everything posted by andycs

  1. Does anyone know whether the seat squab on an Acenta Premium or Connecta (20 plate) should have an angle adjustment so that 'Hips above knees' (basic ergonomic requirement) can be achieved? My 20-plate car has no such capability - the driver's seat is rigidly bolted to the chassis, with no adjustment. The angle of the seat back can be adjusted and the height of the seat, but not the angle of the seat base (squab). Andycs
  2. I have a 20-plate 1.3 petrol Connecta with extremely firm suspension. Drives well with no odd noises, recent MOT, but anything above a journey of 10 miles over normal roads gives enough shocks through the seat to cause significant discomfort. Even had complaints that mobile phone texting from rear seats is impossible !!!! Anyone found similar problems?
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