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    Quashqai Epower 72

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  1. I had a small prang with my 22 reg E Power that was brought from new January 23. This resulted in my insurance company arranging for it to be fixed. They took it away May 22nd and it required new headlight and panel on drivers side. The work too a few weeks and then they discovered that there was a problem with the computer and someone would have to come and realign the Sat Nav and headlight. Nothing was heard for a couple more weeks when I was told that I would have to have a replacement unit. Could not fix the problems. Apparently there aren’t any in Uk as Nissan does not expect the computer to go wrong. Obviously no one else has had a bump with their Quashqui…. I have now been without my car for 3 months with no news on when the part will arrive from Japan. I am usually a patient person but this is getting beyond a joke. I am paying for a car that I haven’t used for 3 months that has been sitting in the main Nissan dealership, so it’s back where I bought it. I am rapidly going of Nissan and will think twice about replacing it next year. SO the answer is Do Not Have A Bang with a E Power Quashqai or it could cost you £500 and take months to fix.
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