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  1. Hi everyone, new to the group and desperate for help. A friend has a nv200 French reg 2014 left hand drive. It seems that the blower has stopped working. So far I've checked the actual motor, which is fine and the relays, again Ok. I'm convinced it's the resister which I'm trying to locate. The problem is that all the clips from YouTube etc show the resister being in the same place in all the clips. Unfortunately, this is not there on the nv200 I'm looking at. It's not that I can't see it, a problem I'm often accused of!? If anyone knows where else it may be please, please get back to me. Grasal
  2. Hi Trevor and Andrew. I hope you don't mind me jumping on you post. A friend has a nv200 French reg, left hand drive. It seems that the blower has stopped working. So far I've checked the actual motor, which is fine and the relays, again Ok. I'm convinced it's the resister which I'm trying to locate. The problem is that all the clips from youtube etc show the resister being in the place that the added clip shows. Unfortunately, this is not there on the nv200 I'm looking at. It's not that I can't see it, a problem I'm often accused of!? If you have any idea where else it may be please, please get back to me. Grasal
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