Newer AWD cars require the tire diameters to match all round so as to not damage the AWD transmissions.
The 2005-2012 Pathfinder’s have 2WD, AWD, 4WD, 4WD Low selections. I drive in 2WD almost exclusively. I keep the rear tires the same diameter (degree of wear), and the front tires generally close to the same degree of wear.
If you’re driving in 2WD, is there any issues running say a new tire paired with an almost bald tire on the front?
My thought process is that the front transmission is free spooling anyway, and that no damage would be done by mismatched diameter front tires?
Obviously, if you select AWD with mismatched front tires, it might create an issue with sensors and computer etc. But, again, I never had an issue using AWD or 4WD(rarely for say 1/4 mile) with matching rears and different degree of wear matching fronts.
Input requested.
Thank you.