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About Trevor

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    2007 X-Trail 2.2 Columbia

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  1. Try searching in Google Lens - it brings up many images similar to yours and maybe give you a clue of what it is
  2. I think your mechanic is right and certainly worth a try for the cost of a secondhand ECU My only concern is how is has been damaged in the first place - short circuit in wiring, water ingress, etc
  3. Check the battery power leads and connections Pay particular attention to the earth leads from the battery to the engine, gearbox and chassis for breaks or corrosion
  4. I would check the connections under the seats (ignition off) and see if secure or damaged in any way You could use a resistor to see if that works but do not apply resistance checks to the SRS components (airbags, pretensioners, etc) If the vehicle has been in a crash and the airbag module has sensed this then you will need to replace the module but believe a secondhand one should work straight away and cancel the code
  5. could be a vacuum leak causing that (revs hunting at idle)
  6. This may help https://www.startmycar.com/gb/nissan/pixo/guides/power-steering-fluid-change
  7. Aftermarket valves would more than likely sort it Try DemonTweeks for motor racing valves - have used them on my motorbike and far better than standard items
  8. Can't say I have come across an adapter like this before but worth checking eBay for anything like it
  9. seat adjustment but also seat height can make a huge difference
  10. Hi...welcome to the Club Good to have you onboard!
  11. I use iCarSoft but also Carly are quite inexpensive
  12. Welcome to the Club Good to have you onboard!
  13. You may be able to get a rebuild kit that comes with new seals Easy enough job to remove the pistons, clean up and fit new seals to rectify the issue
  14. It should be something like selecting the individual seat position and then depressing the position number 1 or 2 button (depending on who is driving at the time) for a short period of time
  15. Not sure but sounds like a Dual Mass Flywheel failing which can cause those sounds and also lead to the vehicle jerking. You can tell this when you switch the engine off and the rattling continues for a very short while afterwards
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