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Everything posted by Trevor

  1. Hi.....welcome to the Club Good to have you onboard!
  2. Hi.....welcome to the Club Good to have you onboard!
  3. Hi....welcome to the Club Good to have you onboard!
  4. Great van....used to own a petrol version many years ago Not seen a camper version though.....any pics?
  5. The first thing I would look for is a vacuum leak somewhere in the induction side of the engine. Look also for any exhaust leaks as this can throw the sensor to the maximum limits then overfuels as it senses a lean mixture. Lastly look at the coolant temperature sensor readings as if this is out then it can be sensing engine is cold
  6. I have fitted struts from Autodoc to a range of vehicles and never had any issues https://www.autodoc.co.uk/spares Not sure if they have your vehicle in there but worth a look
  7. Does it improve quite quickly? e.g. when the engine comes off choke (as it used to be in the past - now open loop to closed loop on the lambda sensors) as this may be the issue
  8. You can get a stainless steel one custom made for not a lot of money....check on eBay for sellers https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2499334.m570.l1313&_nkw=+nissan+juke+nismo+rear+silencer&_sacat=131090
  9. Can you post up a photo of what you can see in the end of the valve?
  10. Hi.....welcome to the Club Sounds an interesting project - feel free to post updates and let us know how you're getting on with it all
  11. You don't say what year the car is but for my money I would recommend that the turbo variable vanes are cleaned using a specialist cleaning solution. Once this is done then it needs a proper hard run, not short-shifting on the gears but holding the revs up before shifting which will give the engine chance to clear its lungs. Basically the carbon build up in the engine (EGR was testament to this occurring) and the turbo sounds clogged up also. Listed below are links to cleaning products on ebay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/331754313002?itmmeta=01J3JT0ARSVRG19F0E89P969TC&hash=item4d3e19152a:g:h5EAAOSw4Ehag~qM&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA0LTnITF3WGt3YJY4GI1hUKC%2BXP8ZHDRtSSnJ0dz0Rze3oyI4yeaUUtHVxMrZSc8hqxwfqLisgsWyg85fXSsypUG5TEPjryqdAfyY7W0poyavbKcZLCIPwk1KgAFZO6qaGbOFjvn1RJum1QmKPRgTz5T3wr1RkbfI2niLRxM5%2FHUmI3a19zKlItfpQ8dEqr7WSsZtiOO12fmwelgmXZ%2BWxQSEopwQ2bGvgZJsvk%2BEomby%2BYQQ9uGCpQNFJh2sOFE%2FRgKXXEAEicjKF7Fru2L8AsE%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR8CsgdqcZA https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/323958600044?itmmeta=01J3JT0ARVD0SDHSEBS2XS4RF5&hash=item4b6d6ff16c:g:basAAMXQfvlSg4~P&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8MH81HR74rsuLLW6RBEnYbAOqZYRUJYaoT%2Bm13iI9d2GPBy%2BYMVauztqaiv2BhPDSQiUmH0mc8p9%2BlYvVgxiOqgQxqzxbULCTfwUvJO2BKw62hwA9eHFvDJaQPDJNL41sKqqH%2BtHdNHn994uhyIpMHCRj%2FsMAhrUEAFcWY%2FGnPf7AajOJv26HNE8JABGeaYZ1IyMJbV2HR%2B0aKL31GMCxHH3f64fVwTk8nlZRGNPeYmAFgEZrm4ne3oEDEiXKmrFLXhk3NLlGLDqex6gCZzr0e5xoFWhPsjRLqfMB2FvJfhJJbMRIwliczhp4cFCUmWn3A%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR8KsgdqcZA
  12. The O2 sensor 2 is usually located past the Catalytic Converter and measure the output (e.g. efficiency of the Cat) it may be either the sensor or possibly even something simple as an exhaust leak which can throw the sensor out of range
  13. Halfords I believe sell universal horns which will fit
  14. I use Castrol Oil Checker to get the correct specs https://www.castrol.com/en_gb/united-kingdom/home/product-finder.html Most importantly (rather than the grade) is the API/ACEA specs (such as C3 or A5/B5)
  15. Would be worth checking the intercooler for damage and also the hoses/pipes that are connected to it A visual inspection may uncover the fault and costs nothing to do
  16. Sounds like it could be an intercooler (or one of the hoses/pipes) that may be holed, split or not reconnected
  17. More than likely have to remove the grille assembly to gain access
  18. sounds like the connection has been reversed on the passenger door lock mechanism - has any work been carried out on the car recently?
  19. It does sound like you have covered all the bases and the one thing I would have said is that the battery is failing - but you have had it tested and seems fine. A system reset and scan would definitely be the way forward Please let us know how you get on with it and what the outcome is
  20. Hi...welcome to the Club Unfortunately turbos can just go but usually give signs like oil consumption (and smoking from the exhaust) also noises (such as high pitch squeeling) but hopefully all is now okay and you can move on without incurring any damage to the engine However, it is advisable to change the engine oil regularly and use a good quality oil filter as well
  21. Hi...welcome to the Club Can't go too wrong with a Micra. Simple engineering and go on for years Good to have you onboard!
  22. I would imagine a vehicle trimmers that specialise in convertible roof may be able to assist as they may know where to source the parts and the original cause and rectification of the fault.
  23. You may be able to find a company to test and rebuild the BCM so a Google Search on automotive electronic control unit companies and I'm sure you'll find one that can
  24. enjoy your holiday....going anywhere nice?
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