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Everything posted by Trevor

  1. Maybe clean the sensors and also check each one for a feint clicking noise when in reverse and the ignition on (ensure engine not running)
  2. Can you swap the wheel from the other side (should be secured by one screw in the middle - possibly a cover over the top of the screw?)
  3. Thanks for posting this useful guide to replacing window motors....very helpful to other owners!
  4. There used to be a company called Kenlowe who made aftermarket electric fans Another place to try is DemonTweeks as they sell electric fans that can fit anything
  5. I have removed one from a Mitsubishi L200 and apart from someone to give you a hand to lift it off its just nuts and bolts really (oh and a bit of wiring to disconnect)
  6. I would be tempted to remove the tub and also check the chassis for corrosion (common issue) while you are there.
  7. If they have accepted your booking and you provided the number plate then surely they have details of your vehicle and if over a certain length they should inform you that they cannot accomodate a vehicle of that size. Saying that, larger vehicles are more commonplace on the roads nowadays so probably not an issue
  8. Can you spray the cables with something smelly that will deter the foxes?
  9. It is worth having it checked....not sure what Nissan checks are like but Toyota do a Hybrid health check for about £60
  10. Check battery, and if the car has not recently been serviced then book one in
  11. Glad you found (or at least your son did) the location. Usually Air Temp Sensors are in behind the front bumper area so not too far away from that then
  12. Sounds like it could be a vacuum leak listen for any hissing noises coming from the engine bay at idle
  13. I would imagine that most of the Sunny range from that era, no matter what size engine and transmission would fit the gap....at least it widens your range to look for
  14. You could try someone like DemonTweeks that sell Powerflex Bushes https://www.demon-tweeks.com/uk/catalogsearch/result/?q=bushes
  15. Not sure if you can still find a radiator rebuilder/repairer that can sort it for you
  16. I have seen many larger vehicles parked in Heathrow car parks so imagine it should be fine. If you are left with a choice of parking spaces then ones on the end or overhanging a grass area should be fine Maybe Google the car park and look at the aerial view to see what the spaces are like
  17. Its worth drafting an advert to put in the For Sale section of the forums.
  18. Hi.....welcome to the Club Hope you find a fuse cover as it would certainly avoid anything dropping in the fusebox Good to have you onboard
  19. Thats not the code written at the bottom of the label (4683) ?
  20. Best method is to connect a multimeter to the battery and look for current draw If the current increases as you remove certain fuses then that is where the power is being consumed Would first check the earth leads as common old older Nissan models for these to break and the alternator may be drawing from the battery
  21. Hi....welcome to the Club Wow! you've had quite a few interesting Nissan models over the years, even going back to when they were Datsun ! So you're a British bike man....although strange you're not into Japanese bikes 🙂 I ride a Honda bike, mainly for the reliability, but is also great fun! Great to have you onboard!
  22. Seems like the connections may be the wrong way round (possibly?)
  23. Has anything dropped into the heater motor from the dashboard vents by the screen? Also, remove the cabin filter and see if the vents have dragged anything into the blower motor through there
  24. I would definitely start with the glovebox which should then give you a better view of the heater motor and resistor pack
  25. There are several methods to gain entry without damage....although never really tried any of them One is using half a tennis ball over the lock but can't see how that would work Bent coat hanger is probably the best method ..... have a look on YouTube for any instructional videos
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