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Drain Issues? Sunroof drain plugs design flaw

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I have a 2022 SV Pathfinder.  It's been back to the dealership two times in 90 days due to water coming into the roof of the vehicle.  First time, dealership didn't saw why it happened they just had a professional company come and dry it/clean it.  3 months later it happens again.  I figured it out it's related to the sunroof drain tubes.  It's a flawed design and mine keep getting clogged/leaking. Before you ask- I do not park under or near trees and I keep my vehicle in a garage whenever not in use.  I have owned other vehicles with sunroofs that NEVER leaked- 10+ years and no issues.  The Nissan Dealership really told me that a sunroof is a literal hole in the roof of the car and that water can get through it. I'm so glad they clarified that for me. 

Has anyone else experienced this issue?  I can't afford to play russian roulette any time it rains and hope my car doesn't leak.  I also can't afford to pay to have the drain tubes blown out every month to be on the safe side (at $180 a service, that's ridiculous).  Dealership suggested every 3rd oil change- issue is my car is a 2022 with 18k miles on it.  And this issued has occurred 2x in the last 3 months.  Everything I read suggests cleaning out the drain tubes 1x per year.  

Anyone else?  Other than giving up on Nissan (which I've been loyal to for many years now), I'm not sure what else to do. 


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Definitely the best way forward is to use a smoke generator (you can get them from eBay for less than £100) and drop the lamp, introduce the smoke and you'll know exactly where the leak is coming in from 

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  • 4 months later...

I have the same issue on a 2023 Pathfinder Platinum. First time it happened, I found out the sunroof drain tube on the front passenger was kinked or crimped. I first tested it by pouring water down the drain on both the driver side and the passenger side. The driver side drained out the bottom of the vehicle correctly, but the passenger side didn't drain at all. I snaked weed wacker line down the driver side and no issues, but the passenger side only went about 10-12 inches and hit a hard stop. I took it into the dealership and they fixed the issue. Six months later the exact same thing is happening again. Tried running weed wacker line down the passenger-side drain tube and hit the same hard stop around the 10-12 inch mark. It appears there is a design flaw with the drain tube being too weak and getting kinked with how they have running down the column. I am in the process of talking the dealership and trying to get confirmation they won't charge me for the service work if I bring it in. It is definitely frustrating because any time it rains and the vehicle is outside it will get water in it; not to mention the water stains that are starting to show up on the ceiling.  

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  • 6 months later...

I have a 2020 Marano with this very same issue. I keep taking it to the dealership telling them about it. They say there is debris in the tracks. We either keep it covered or in the garage. I do not park under trees. I don’t know what kind of debris they are talking about, I have noticed everything under the driver seat is rusted when I pointed that out to the dealership they told me it must’ve been up north for an extended time or near the coast neither of which is the case we have not been out of town to those areas. I put in a complaint with Nissan directly and I got some hateful woman who called me and said I’m denied because my car is out of warranty however I’ve been going with this problem since we bought it. I now realize that they never intend to help us. It’s terrible what it is doing to the inside of my car, I’d like to know what anyone might have done to get Nissan to take notice of this design flaw  has anyone found a fix?

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