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Hi all 

I joined this forum in the hope that someone can help me, 

my 2015 Nissan quashquai 1.5 DCI N TEC has suffered a catastrophic fault in the ECU, 

it’s completely fried 

my mechanic has told me that the only solution is to take a full ECU kit from a donor car and put it into mine, and it might work 

as things stand, the car will have to be scrapped, so this is the last roll of the dice 

I was wondering if anyone on this forum has ever heard of this being done, and what components make up a full ECU kit.

any help would be greatly appreciated 



I think your mechanic is right and certainly worth a try for the cost of a secondhand ECU

My only concern is how is has been damaged in the first place - short circuit in wiring, water ingress, etc


At this stage it’s worth a shot … or it’s the scrap heap 😒

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